It is time to VOTE! April 1, 2025 is the date of the Spring Election. Click here for Town of East Troy information

Boating / PWC Safety Rules

Town of East Troy & Potter Lake

  • All laws are enforced by Town of East Troy police officers who may stop any boat for purposes of enforcement and/or inspection. Violations are punishable by fines, jail, or both.

No Littering On Land Or Water... $200 Fine


  • All boats 12’ in length or greater must be registered with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and have such numbers displayed as required.

Speed Limits

  • Speeds are limited to 10 miles per hour from sunrise to 10:00 a.m. and from 7:00 p.m. to sunset on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
  • Daily - after sunset, slow / no-wake. (“Slow-no-wake” means the slowest possible speed so as to maintain steerage.)
  • At all other times, speeds will be reasonable and prudent with regard for the conditions existing at the time.
  • SLOW - NO WAKE within 200 feet of shore or within 100 feet of piers, rafts, buoyed restricted areas and anchored boats.
  • Personal watercraft (PWC) follow the same rules as motorboats except SLOW – NO WAKE within 200 feet of shore, piers, rafts, buoyed restricted areas and anchored boats and no operation from sunset to sunrise.

Right of Way

  • Boats / PWC’s may not be operated within 100 feet of another boat or person being towed.
  • All boats / PWC must navigate in a counter-clockwise direction on weekends and holidays.
  • Boats to the right have the right-of-way. Pass to the right. Motorboats must yield to non-motorized boats.


  • All boats must have one approved personal floatation device (PFD) per person, regardless of length. All boats more than 16’ must have a throwable device (Type IV). All persons riding a PWC must wear a PFD.
  • All boats should carry a first aid kit, a distress signal and an oar or paddle.
  • It is unlawful to operate any boat beyond the safe carrying capacity of passengers or cargo.
  • No sitting on the sides, front deck, or top of seat backs while the motorboat is in operation (moving).
  • No swimming beyond SLOW – NO WAKE zones unless accompanied by a boat.


  • All motorboats must have approved mufflers and battery covers.
  • All enclosed inboard and inboard / outboard motorboats must have a fire extinguisher, flame arrestor and bilge ventilator.
  • All boats must have and use approved lights from sunset to sunrise.
  • Boats with cooking or sleeping facilities are not allowed on the lake from sunset to sunrise, nor on weekends or holidays.

Age Restrictions

  • No person under the age of 10 years may operate a motorboat.
  • No person under 12 may operate a PWC.
  • Persons at least 10 but less than 16 years of age may operate a motorboat (except PWC) only if they are accompanied (aboard the same boat) by a parent or designated guardian (over 18) or if they have successfully completed a DNR prescribed Boating Safety Course and possess a safety certificate.
  • Persons at least 12 years of age may operate a PWC if they have successfully completed a DNR prescribed Boating Safety Course and possess a safety certificate.
  • Persons born on or after 1-1-1989 and at least 16 years of age MUST have successfully completed a DNR prescribed Boating Safety Course and possess a safety certificate.
  • Laws regarding operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated apply to motorboats / PWCs too. Don’t drink and drive!


Water Sport Activities


  • Water sport activities include, but are not limited to, the use of: water skis, wakeboard, tube, kneeboard, aquaplane or similar device.

Times Allowed

  • Weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to sunset (as defined by the U.S. weather service).
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • No double towing on weekends and holidays.


  • Both boat and person being towed must operate more than 200 feet from shore and more than 100 feet from piers, rafts, buoyed restricted areas and anchored boats.
  • A boat or PWC towing a person on water ski’s, a surfboard, or other device must have another competent person besides the driver to act as an observer unless the vessel is equipped with a wide-angle rearview mirror.
  • All persons engaged in water sport activities must wear an approved (Type III) personal flotation device.
  • All boating / PWC regulations apply while persons are being towed.

Potters Lake Rules

Boating / Watersports Rules